wOOt-I have a travel blog!
Setting up this travel blog was an idea of Pete's and requested by several of you in sunny LB whom I managed to see a few weeks ago. So you better read this bugger.
Hopefully I will be able to record my travels, plus give details of any Eastenders-esque bust ups that may occur between me and Ness ;)
If cybercafes etc permit, I'll try and post photos of where I am from time to time.
I've posted here a photo of me and Ness, mainly so those of you who were too lazy to come to Leicester at any point in the last few years will be able to put a face to the name, since I am sure you'll all have heard at least one amusing anecdote involving Ness. I know there was no real need to label myself, but it's so you don't forget me :)
Hopefully my travel itinerary runs roughly something like:-
- Thailand
- Cambodia
- Laos (possibly, I have no burning desire to go there really)
- Vietnam
- Hong Kong (staying with Gary Markwick for a week-assuming he won't forget and turn up in LB when he's meant to be meeting us off a train in HK - you know Gary!)
- Australia
....and from there, probably back home within a few months, possibly v.i.a New Zealand, so I'm home in time to see my new niece/nephew and start performing auntly duties whilst searching around for a graphic design job, and joining the Real World (TM).
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